Monday, January 26, 2009

In His Steps

Dwell not in the valley of despair,
waste not another day.
Arm yourself with faith and prayer,
and then be on your way.
Yield not unto temptation
which leads the soul astray,
But focus on the light ahead
and walk the narrow way.
Your guide shall always lead you
andand shield you from harm's way,
But you must follow in His steps
and listen and obey.
His strenght has never fail you
as you stop awhile to pray,
For at the end of your journey
you'll find a brighter day.
At the end of life's great journey,
Heaven's just steps away
For all who follow in His Steps
and listens and obey.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Peace is like a falling leaf,
That tumbles through the tress,
So calm and tranquail, heaven-husded
By God's own gentle breeze.
Peace is like a bird on wing-
Pure white, descending dove,
That reaches down to everyone
And touches us with love.
Peace is like a puffy cloud
That floats contentedly-
Relaxed, untouched by anxious cares,
In all serenity.
Peace is like a precious gift,
A gift God leaves with all -
Not as the world gives, does He give,
To those who heed His call.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

His Living Presence

Ever striving to be like Him,
I'll do the best I can
to follow in His footsteps
and serve my fellow man.

Ever striving to be like Him,
I'll comfort those in need
by a daily word of kindness
or by a loving deed.

Ever striving to be like Him,
I'll love my neighbor more
and share His living Presence with
the man who lives next door.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

God's Gifts

Jesusdress333-1.jpg Jesus Christ image by AshraFekry
It's in the silence of the soul,
Where peace and wisdom stay,
To guide us through the din and strife,
Confronting us each day.

God placed this gift within us,
With His loving Grace,
Knowing that we need His love,
When trials of life we face.

This strength will gently guide us,
His love will see us through,
Releasing gifts of faith and hope,
To bear, what we must do.

Monday, January 5, 2009


God made us beautiful
So, we are beautiful
And can be still beautiful
In our hearts and in our soul.

If we are good to our fellow,
What is beautiful is good, and who is good
Will soon be Beautiful.

Even though our face is ugly
than monkey, We know that our hearts is
Than those beauty that own
of everybody.