Monday, November 17, 2008


Recommended IT Supported Instruction
Learning Outcomes
LCD Projector
-Identify Polygons
-Find the sum of the measures of the angles of a polygons
-Determine congruent and parallel sides and angles
2.Triangle Congruence
Television and CD player
-Define and illustrate congruent triangles
-State and apply the properties of congruence
-Prove congruence and inequality properties in an isosceles triangles
Power point Presentation
-Recall previous knowledge on the different kinds of quadrilaterals in their properties
-Verify set of sufficient guaranteeing that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram
-Apply the condition to prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram
Overhead Projector
-Recall the definition of circle the terms related to it
-Define and identify the arcs and angles of a circle
-Fine the measures of angles in a circle
5.Cartesian Coordinate System
Overhead Projector
-Name the parts of Cartesian plane
-Represent ordered pairs on a Cartesian plane
-Denote points on the Cartesian plane

Year level: third year high school