Monday, March 23, 2009

Minerva Grafil

Lesson Plan
In Mathematics
A .Subject Matter Introduction to Angles/Complementary/Supplementary Angles
B. Materials CD/ LCD Projector/Computer
C. Learning Objectives After the class the students will be able to: a. Define/Name the angles by its measure.
b. Differentiate supplementary and Complementary angles.
c. Measure the angles using protractor.

D. Procedures Motivation : The teacher will group the students into five, then ask them what they have observed the objects inside the classroom and ask them to recite one –by- one.
Explore: The teacher will ask the students to relate their observation to their prior knowledge about angles and let them measure the angles in the object.
(inserts the CD)
The students will watch the video about the angle.
Elaborate: The teacher together with the students will elaborate the topic and relate this to other subject matter, like polygons and circles. Ask students to work through, and learn to name and recognize general forms of angles
Valuation: The students will develop the values of cooperation and their HOTS.
E. Evaluation/Assessment The teacher will give a short quiz about angles and what they have learned in the video.
F. Homework The students will find the measure of polygons and circle and record the data in the one whole sheet of paper.
Integrated Mathematics First Year(Elinita Rosales,Danilo Vicencio)

Year Level: First Year High School
Date : March 23, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Friends Are Always for Each Other

Friends help each other; they give counsel to one onother; they understand.Friends don't desert you when you're discouraged. They offer you support They volunteer. They don't wait or turn the other way. They take risks for each other. Sometimes they go out of their way for you, and their gift in return is just knowing that they have helped a friend. And they would do the same thing again for no reason other than because they want to reach out of you.............
Freinds pick each other up when they are down. they help each other find their way when they're to one another's insecurities. they give their umbrella to shield you from the rain when they know you're going through a storm. They thank you when you help to answer their prayer. And they always remember what you did for them. They're strong when you're weak and woobly, and they're weak, you're strong for them. Friends hang in their with you until they see that you're standing straight with both feet on the ground.
Friends listen and they support and they share. They don't talk about you behind your back, They don't judge you. They advise .They help. They care. They treat you like they want to treat them. Their lives blend together in harmony. They turn ups and downs of life into rhythms with a little more rhyme and alittle more reason and understanding. They lighten your load when you're tired to go on. They remind you that you're strong and you can get through whatever it is you're going through and that they will be there with you through it all.
After reading in such wonderful words above what is your impression about what is stated above ? We know that we need friends in life,as they are part in our world.HonestlyI have not a true friend like what Donna Fargo said above, that is why I need your comment about this.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Cupid and Psyche

Once upon a time there was a king with three daughters. They were all beautiful, but by far the most beautiful was the youngest, Psyche. She was so beautiful that people began to neglect the worship of Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Venus was very jealous, and asked her son Cupid (the boy with the arrows) to make Psyche fall in love with a horrible monster. When he saw how beautiful she was, Cupid dropped the arrow meant for her and pricked him, and fell in love with her.
Despite her great beauty no-one wanted to marry Psyche. Her parents consulted an oracle, and were told that she was destined to marry a monster, and they were to take her to the top of a mountain and leave her there. The west wind took her and wafted her away to a palace, where she was waited on by invisible servants. When night came her new husband visited her, and told her that he would always visit her by night and she must never try to see him.
Although her invisible husband was kind and gentle with her, and the invisible servants attended to her every desire, Psyche grew homesick. She persuaded her husband to allow her sisters to visit her. When they saw how she lived they became very jealous and talked Psyche into peeking at her husband, saying that he was a monster who was fattening her up to be eaten and that her only chance of safety was to kill him. Psyche took a lamp and a knife, but when she saw her beautiful husband, Cupid, she was so surprised she dripped some hot wax onto his shoulder, waking him. He took in the situation at a glance and immediately left Psyche and the magnificent palace she had been living in disappeared in a puff of smoke.
Psyche roamed about looking for her husband, and eventually in desperation approached his mother, Venus. Still angry, the goddess set various tasks for Psyche, all of which she passed, with a bit of help from ants and river gods. At last Cupid found out what was going on, and he persuaded Jupiter to order Venus to stop her persecution of Psyche. Then they were married and lived happily ever after - and it really was ever after since Psyche was made a goddess. Click

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from property on the internet, optionally supplemented with videoconferencing. Is a shared Web-based activity in which learners are presented with a problem, question, scenario or task. It requires that learners analyze and synthesize the information and come up with their own creative solutions to a specific problem, question, or issue. There are at least two levels of WebQuests that should be distinguished from one another, the short term webquest and the long term webquest. The short term webquest is knowledge acquisition and integration,described as Dimension 2 in Marzano's Dimensions of Thinking model. At the end of a short term WebQuest, a learner will have grappled with an important amount of new information and made sense of it. A short-term WebQuest is designed to be accomplished in one to three class periods. The long term webquest is what Marzano calls Dimension 3: extending and refining knowledge. After completing a longer term WebQuest, a learner would have analyzed a body of knowledge totally, transformed it in some technique, and demonstrated an understanding of the material by creating something that others can respond to, on-line or off-. A longer term WebQuest will usually take between one week and a month in a classroom setting.

It assist or motivate the student to confront a complex and controversial real-world issue, they can grapple with a central question that really needs answering, they can utilize real world, up-to-date resources on the web, they can presume roles and must develop expertise, student’s work can be posted or sent to real people for feedback and evaluation and, they can construct their own meaning which connects with their prior knowledge and experiences and it can develop the higher order thinking skills and creativity of the students. It help the teacher to provide guidance on the thinking process to their students to follow, the teacher can exposed their students to a broad range of information, examples, and opinions. The teacher cannot waste their time if they are not around the class, they can leave the class with the provided activity. And time is saved.

I think the webquest is applicable to our country because it can enhance the ability of the Filipino students especially in developing their HOTS and they can initiate information alone through the webquest. Through the implementation of cyber education on the country is the best way to apply the webquest in our educational settings in the Philippines.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Exam

Topic: Coordinate System and Plotting-Points


In behaviorism, I select the instructional game software for the topic that I have chosen; it is about coordinates system and plotting points. The instructional game software works as an assessment and reinforcement for the students to study more in the subject and they do not feel bored to death in the topic, instead they enjoy that and provide as motivation to be trained regarding the topic. The instructional game software facilitate the students to master their ability in plotting the points or ordered pairs in the Cartesian plane and to enhance their capability, as fast as they could without any error in plotting the ordered pairs and also placing the ordered pairs properly according to the signs of abscissa and ordinates. Click here


In cognitive I select the tutorial software for the topic that I have chosen. The tutorial software serves as to present another or more information and advanced learning about the subject for my students. The tutorial software can give sufficient information for those who are absent during the discussions and who could not capable to asked question and those who cannot understand throughout the discussions. This tutorial software help the students to create new way of thinking about the subject matter, they previously have concepts and rules about the subject, and they could have own strategies in understanding the topic. And also they could be interested the topic if they initiate the information and learn alone.Click Here

and here.

Monday, January 26, 2009

In His Steps

Dwell not in the valley of despair,
waste not another day.
Arm yourself with faith and prayer,
and then be on your way.
Yield not unto temptation
which leads the soul astray,
But focus on the light ahead
and walk the narrow way.
Your guide shall always lead you
andand shield you from harm's way,
But you must follow in His steps
and listen and obey.
His strenght has never fail you
as you stop awhile to pray,
For at the end of your journey
you'll find a brighter day.
At the end of life's great journey,
Heaven's just steps away
For all who follow in His Steps
and listens and obey.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Peace is like a falling leaf,
That tumbles through the tress,
So calm and tranquail, heaven-husded
By God's own gentle breeze.
Peace is like a bird on wing-
Pure white, descending dove,
That reaches down to everyone
And touches us with love.
Peace is like a puffy cloud
That floats contentedly-
Relaxed, untouched by anxious cares,
In all serenity.
Peace is like a precious gift,
A gift God leaves with all -
Not as the world gives, does He give,
To those who heed His call.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

His Living Presence

Ever striving to be like Him,
I'll do the best I can
to follow in His footsteps
and serve my fellow man.

Ever striving to be like Him,
I'll comfort those in need
by a daily word of kindness
or by a loving deed.

Ever striving to be like Him,
I'll love my neighbor more
and share His living Presence with
the man who lives next door.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

God's Gifts

Jesusdress333-1.jpg Jesus Christ image by AshraFekry
It's in the silence of the soul,
Where peace and wisdom stay,
To guide us through the din and strife,
Confronting us each day.

God placed this gift within us,
With His loving Grace,
Knowing that we need His love,
When trials of life we face.

This strength will gently guide us,
His love will see us through,
Releasing gifts of faith and hope,
To bear, what we must do.

Monday, January 5, 2009


God made us beautiful
So, we are beautiful
And can be still beautiful
In our hearts and in our soul.

If we are good to our fellow,
What is beautiful is good, and who is good
Will soon be Beautiful.

Even though our face is ugly
than monkey, We know that our hearts is
Than those beauty that own
of everybody.